There are always jobs to be done at the Fishery and Summer is no exception. Some of the most important jobs at this time of the year include:

Monitoring water temperature. Trout struggle when water temperatures reach 18 degs and the effects of reduced oxygen can be fatal at water temperatures over 20 degs. Fortunately we have a lot of shade and well oxygenated water.

Clearing out weirs and ensuring that all pipes and culverts are flowing freely. By doing this will ensure well oxygenated water conditions.

Kick sampling. Water quality both upstream and downstream, as well as in the lakes themselves, needs to be  monitored regularly.

Cutting back vegetation. There is rapid growth at this time of year, so this must be kept under control.

Weather forecast. We are always looking ahead to see how we can best manage the Fishery during temperature fluctuations and dry/wet periods.

Attending to all of these tasks will hopefully result in the best possible fishing conditions…….. until the Autumn……..